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Author research paper example

Author research paper example

author research paper example

19/11/ · How to format a research paper. Published on November 19, by Jack Caulfield. Revised on December 8, The formatting of a research paper is different depending on which style guide you’re following. In addition to citations, APA, MLA, and Chicago provide format guidelines for things like. Font choices Agatha Christie - Agatha Christie Research Paper looks at a writers life growing up, and the publication of her novels. Aldous Huxley - Aldous Huxley term papers study the writer best known for his novel, Brave New World. Alice Munro - Alice Munro essays examine the Check out this awesome Sample Authors Note Research Papers for writing techniques and actionable ideas. Regardless of the topic, subject or complexity, we can help you write any paper!

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Type author research paper example paper: Research Paper. Topic: AidsVirusesauthor research paper example, VaccinationMedicineHealthDiseaseInfectionPeople, author research paper example. Any type of paper on any subject custom-written for you by the professionals. Author research paper example Human immunodeficiency virus infection causes Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

The infection was first discovered in US in the year and currently the author research paper example has a high prevalence with HIV positive individuals for everypeople. Social stigma and discrimination against the affected people is an important factor hindering, public health care efforts, in reaching the patience, providing care and preventing the diseases spread.

HIV is comparatively easier to control than other air born infectious diseases and can be prevented by taking suitable precautions. Safe and protected author research paper example practices and disuse of infected needles and blood can help bring down infection rate in US. The future of HIV prevention faces challenges like developing effective drugs and vaccine and want of public and healthcare cooperation to prevent new infection. Introduction: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS is a diseases caused by the human immunodeficiency virus HIV.

More than 1. gov, Inthe clinical criteria for confirming an AIDS diagnosis were formulated. Very soon the US government began to realize that AIDS was becoming an epidemic in the country and the need to stop the epidemic. Huge funds and ambitious initiatives in identifying a cause and effective treatment for this new disease was undertaken by the government and non-government run research labs. org Not all the listed opportunistic infection occur in patients and few of them are even rare.

A number of tests are now available, to effectively diagnose AIDS and HIV. ELISA test is used to detect the virus in the blood. To accurately confirm a negative test in this method, one needs to repeat the test after a month or two and still remain negative to the test Ucsfhealth, author research paper example.

FDA has approved a home test kit, which can be used by the patients themselves to test for the presence of HIV in any body fluid Ucsfhealth. RT-PCR based methods help to determine the viral load in the blood Ucsfhealth.

Different clinical course and susceptibility are noticed among people infected with HIV, author research paper example. Not all people with HIV infection develop AIDS. The reason for this is poorly understood. The HLA haplotype of a person is found to affect the course of diseases progression.

People with the HLA —B8 haplotype have fast progression of the diseases while people with HLA-B27 have non progressive or slowly progressive diseases.

The virus enters the cell by a series of step which involves- i. interaction of the viral coat protein with the cell surface receptor and entry into virus core particle author research paper example host cell, ii.

the RNA genome of the virus is then copied by a viral reverse transcriptase to a double stranded DNA, iii. This provirus is then transcribed and translated by the host cell machinery to give rise to new viral genome and proteins.

HIV belongs to the genus Lentivirus. HIV-1 and HIV-2 are author research paper example in human Crandall, Two proteins namely the tat and the rev are very important for the survival of the virus in the cell. tat helps in virus transcription while, rev acts to regulate expression of viral protein Crandall, A high level of genetic variability is noticed, since the virus genome was first sequence in These variations have been the major hindrance author research paper example the development of vaccine, and drugs to control AIDS.

The highest variation is noticed in the envelop protein namely gag and env. The genetic variability in the patients can also affects the course of diseases. Crandall, Surveillance: According to CDC estimates, 1.

The rate of author research paper example infection every year is estimated to be around 50, According to the census data, In47, were diagnosed with HIV infection and 27, people were diagnosed with AIDS.

The number of people who died with AIDS diagnosis in the year was 13, Southern states in US have the highest infection rate. The other states with notably high incidence include Miami, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Jackson, Miss.

Fig1: gives the level of infection among different susceptible groups. Infection rate is high among male homosexual men, followed by heterosexual and injection drug author research paper example Cdc. The main reasons for this being: the availability of active retroviral therapy. Thus it is now difficult to understand people infected, based on the number of AIDS case. HIV surveillance in US faces challenges like; getting people to volunteer to get themselves tested, and reporting the test to the CDC.

Serologic testing algorithm for recent HIV seroconversion STARHS is a sero-surveillance initiative by the CDC to differentiate new from old HIV infection. Medical monitoring program is a federal government initiative to collect information from HIV patients. Author research paper example National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System program aims to determine the surveillance among high risk population.

Figure1: Estimated New HIV Infections in the United States,for the Most Affected Subpopulations Cdc. Abbreviations: MSM, men who have sex with men; IDU, injection drug user. Sharing infected syringes, needles and transfusion of infected blood are the next common mode of transmission. Transmission through these routes put injection drug users, hemophiliacs and transfusions receivers at high risk for getting the infection, author research paper example.

Use of condom, safe sex practices and reducing the number of sexual partners can help to reduce majority of the HIV infection. Using single use-disposable syringes needle and thorough screening of blood for HIV can prevent getting infected from health care facilities. A baby can get the infection from its mother during pregnancy and breast feeding. Blood, semen, pre-seminal fluids, rectal fluids and vaginal fluids of the infected patient carry the virus. One of the biggest hindrances in HIV prevention and control is the stigma and discrimination among AIDS patients which prevents them reporting the infection and causing them to spread infection to others either knowingly or unknowingly.

HIV does not spread by shaking hands, hugging, and closed-mouth kissing a person infected with HIV. HIV is also not transmitted from contact with objects such as toilet seats, doorknobs, or dishes used by a person infected with HIV. When compared to early days the hope for HIV people has improved. There are currently 20 antiretroviral drugs in the market for HIV. Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Efavirenz are commonly used retroviral drugs for AIDS.

These drugs have to be taken at the right dose and at the right time to avoid resistance and for effective cure. When drug resistance is seen to first line of therapy, only then WHO recommend the second line of therapy, which includes nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor PI. org, HIV Research: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is ardently trying to end AIDS and HIV in US. Many laboratories in NIH and supported work at other universities, medical center are trying to understand the diseases better, develop better prevention, therapy and cure.

Basic research has helped us understand a lot of facts about the diseases like the molecular interaction, replication within the host immune cells and immune response to retroviral infections. Basic research is important to understand targets against which therapeutics and vaccines can be developed.

We still need to understand a lot on how virus infects the immune system and how to activate the immune system against the virus. The virus at these site where often unresponsive to retroviral drugs. Blackard, Currently there is no vaccine in the market that is effective in HIV prevention and or modifying diseases pathogenesis, author research paper example.

Many people in the high risk group like male homosexuals, sex workers, drug addicts and minorities belong to the disenfranchised section of the society, with limited access to health care and a weak social support structure. Medicaid, Ryan white program, AIDS drug assistance programme help to fund treatment of uninsured patients. HOPWA Housing oppourtunity for people with AIDS is a federal programme taking care of housing needs of AIDS people.

It is the responsibility of public health worker to create awareness and support at individual and community level, author research paper example. The HIV care service needs a multidisciplinary approach involving doctors, nurses, psychotherapist, researchers and social workers to be completely effective. Conclusion: The efforts of the public health department have contributed significantly in preventing the number of new HIV infections in US, author research paper example.

Nevertheless, the future of AIDS control in US faces a number of challenges like: handling the newly infected, preventing increase in new infections, reducing cost and toxicity of existing drug, identify vaccine and better therapeutics. The diseases can be effectively controlled if the public join hands with the countries struggle to end AIDS. Treatment and Care Programs. html 4. Crandall, K. The evolution of HIV.

Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Dalgleish, A. HIV and the new viruses. San Diego, Calif. HIV Pathogenesis Research, NIAID, NIH. aspx 7. Blackard, J. HIV Compartmentalization: A Review on a Clinically Important Phenomenon.

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Research Paper About Authors Note | WePapers

author research paper example

EXAMPLE OF A RESEARCH PAPER START OF EXAMPLE [Page 1 - text aligned in the center and middle of the page] "Behavioral Study of Obedience" by [author], [University] [Page 2 - text starts at the top, left] Abstract. There are few facts about the role of obedience when committing acts against one’s personal conscience (). Most Agatha Christie - Agatha Christie Research Paper looks at a writers life growing up, and the publication of her novels. Aldous Huxley - Aldous Huxley term papers study the writer best known for his novel, Brave New World. Alice Munro - Alice Munro essays examine the QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PAPER 45 population sample, so your study is limited by the number of participants, or that you used a convenience sample. Summary Then the author would wrap up the chapter with the summarization of the chapter and a transition to the next chapter as described above. Notice that this section started with aFile Size: KB

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