9/10/ · + Words Essay Population Explosion Essay Population explosion refers to the number of people that live in an area. It is a major issue for developing countries. Also, the government is not taking proper measures to control this problem 2 days ago · The population is one of the burning topics of not only India but also in the world. There are some places overpopulated in the world. Population Explosion means a continuous increase in the population of human beings in a particular region. It can be either in a city or a country · Essay on Population Explosion. Essay # 1 27/8/ · + Words Essay on Population Population refers to the total number of beings living in a particular area. Population helps us get an estimate of the number of beings and how to act accordingly. For instance, if we know the particular population of a city, we can estimate the number of
Essay on Population | to Words | Pro English Essay
Population means the total number of organisms inhabiting a particular area. The increasing population is one of the biggest concerns of all in India and many other countries. As the decrease in death rate indirectly leads to an increase in population due to the massive development in medical science in the last many years.
Due to the increase in population, there are two other problems which are indirectly affected by it, which are lack of food and resources and the second is the problem of unemployment.
A population control program should be launched by the government with strict rules and an eye on that to ensure its completion. And another step is the education of people and makes them understand the ill effect of increased population. From that, 1. Development affects the wildlife and habitat of other species as it causes deforestation for houses, industries, and resources from the forest.
The increase in population indirectly increases pollution as a rise in several people leads to growth in industrialization, which increases pollution. It indirectly leads to poverty in the country or area as it reduces the Per Capita Income PCI means average income earned by a person in a field and a specified year of the place. Minimum marriage age or correct family planning, free education, awareness in people, and women empowerment are few ways to control the population. From that 1.
One of the main reasons for the growth of the population in India is illiteracy because most of the uneducated and poor class people are scene having a high number of children. The reason for that is people from that undeveloped villages are not aware off birth control methods.
And another point is development in medical science, which has decreased the death rate in the country. Increasing the population indirectly increases pollution as a rise in society leads to an increase in industrialization, which increases pollution. Introduction Population refers to the total number of organisms inhabiting a particular area. The rapid growth of the people in certain parts of our planet has become a cause of concern.
Community refers to the total number of organisms that can interbreed. The human society is growing at a rapid pace in certain countries. These countries are being advised to control social control measures. While India has become nearly self-sufficient food grain in the wake of the Green Revolution ushered in the country by the use of hybrid varieties of wheat in the late sixties.
India faced the problem of the growing population. One of the main reasons for the growth of the population is illiteracy in India, easy essay on population. People from uneducated, poor class, or rural areas seen to bearing a vast number of children. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, more children for them mean several hands to work and earn for the family. And the second problem is that most of them are not aware of birth control methods.
Early marriage is also a result of a more significant number of children, easy essay on population. The growing population may also attribute a massive decrease in death rate as the growth of India in the field of Medical Science.
Treatments and cures for various illnesses have developed, which also leads to a decrease in the death rate. There are several reasons for the same. One of the main reasons for this is the development in the field of medical science that has brought down the death rate. Another reason is easy essay on population growing birth rate, especially in the poor and developing countries. Lack of education and lack of family planning are among the top reasons for the high birth rate in these countries.
Ironically, while the human population is increasing rapidly, the people of animals and birds is decreasing day by day, easy essay on population. In an attempt to satisfy their needs, easy essay on population are cutting down forests that serve as a shelter for wild animals.
It is time governments of countries with a high population must take strict measures to control the same else our planet will no longer be fit for the survival of humanity. Uneven Distribution of Population on Earth.
The population on earth is unevenly distributed. While certain countries are facing the problem of population explosion, others are sparsely less populated. This problem is not just the case with the human population; it also holds suitable for animals and other organisms. Steps Taken for Population Control in India. The government of India has taken specific steps to control the Indian population. Some of these are as follows:.
Minimum Marriageable Age, easy essay on population, the government has set the minimum age for marriage, easy essay on population, which 21 Years for men and 18 Years for women. A growing population is a severe problem in India.
While the government has taken specific steps to control the same, these are not effective enough. Many other measures need to be taken to curb or control this issue. Easy essay on population years of independence in India have brought with them a mixed bag of achievements and failures, easy essay on population. And the early seventies, a useful check on population growth has eluded the nation, and we are nearing the mark of one billion souls at the turn of the century.
Several reasons contribute to the increase in population in India. Several species of animals and birds have impacted due to this. The growing pollution due to ever-increasing traffic and the establishment of various industries is another reason for the easy essay on population in population of the fauna.
This problem is because it is harming the weather, easy essay on population. The population on earth unevenly distributed. At certain places, you will see a more significant number of animals while at some location you will hardly find any, easy essay on population.
Climate Places with extremely hot or cold climates are sparsely populated. On the other hand, those that enjoy a moderate environment easy essay on population populated.
Resources The areas with good availability of resources such as oil, wood, coal, etc. are densely populated, while those that lack these primary resources are sparsely populated. Political Environment Countries that enjoy a stable government and a healthy political environment are densely populated.
These countries attract immigrants from other countries, thereby filling the area. On the other hand, countries with weak or unstable governments see many people leaving at the availability of any reasonable opportunity elsewhere. Standard of living First world countries such as the U.
attracts a lot of immigrants as they offer much better packages and a good standard of living people. People from different parts of the world immigrate to such countries. This is the reason why the density of the population in such countries is increasing, as many people visit or work there with immigration. Steps Taken For Population Control in India. However, easy essay on population, there is no stringent strict check on the same.
But this is mostly not followed by the people in rural or backward areas of the country. In the future, the Government should take strict action against breaking this rule.
Free Education, The government of India, has easy essay on population made education free in India for the children under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. Promoting Adoption The government of India is easy essay on population supporting the adoption of children. Several people abandon their children at birth, owing to various reasons.
While the human population is on the verge of explosion, the wildlife population is decreasing over time. The people of several species of birds and animals have gone down drastically owing to factors for which the human being alone can be held responsible.
Some issues are:. Humans are ruthlessly cutting down forests for their needs. Due to this, several species have decreased, and the other few have gone extinct. Increasing Pollution Increase in the pollution of air, water, and the soil is another reason why several animals are dying at an early age. Many species of animals or mostly infants are not being able to cope up with the pollution.
Due to the infection, easy essay on population, they incur several diseases, which lead to facing fatal consequences to them. Your email address will not be published. Essay on Population by admin Social Issues. Latest Essay on Population for School Students. Table of Contents. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
, time: 12:23Essay on Overpopulation Causes, Effects and Solutions

2 days ago · The population is one of the burning topics of not only India but also in the world. There are some places overpopulated in the world. Population Explosion means a continuous increase in the population of human beings in a particular region. It can be either in a city or a country · Essay on Population Explosion. Essay # 1 Essay on Population in English | Words ‘Population’ word refers to the total number of organisms inhabiting in any particular area. The increasing population is one of the biggest concerns of all in India and many other countries. The world population is Population Growth: Essay on Population Growth! From sociological point of view – population simply means number of people, living at a particular area (country/region) at a particular time. The current human population growth is something unprecedented in the history of the world. If we look back to the history of human population growth
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