3/7/ · MBA essays can be hard to write, but they are one of the most important parts of the MBA application blogger.com you need help getting started, you may want to view a few sample MBA essays for inspiration. The sample MBA essay shown below has been reprinted (with permission) from blogger.comdge did not write or edit this sample MBA essay Executive MBA Essay. Five years ago, I was assigned to lead one of Schlumberger’s R& D departments, located in Tokyo. This department was established in , with the rationale that this would enable the company to tap into the Japanese high-end electronic and data communication technology while at the same time establishing relationships and alliances with Japanese market Samples of MBA essays by real candidates who were accepted to Wharton, Harvard, INSEAD and other top ranked business schools. Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening tag
MBA essay - 5 types of essays explained with examples | e-GMAT Blog
This department was established inwith the rationale that this would enable the company to tap into the Japanese high-end electronic and data communication technology while at the same time establishing relationships and alliances with Japanese market leaders for the purpose of leveraging their technologies. When I took over this role, the department did not have a single active or ongoing collaboration project with any Japanese company. The only projects operating within the department at that time were internal ones; the team had been shirking constantly since its inception, and the department was in trouble.
Management had lost its trust in the department and had started questioning whether the existence of such a department was justifiable after several rounds of budget reductions to the department. During an early assessment of the team and the situation, one of the things that I discovered was that the team had been suffering from a lack of proper communication, lack of vision, executive mba essay examples, and a poor understanding of their job descriptions.
In order to improve the situation, I reshuffled the available resources that I had available to me and included more Japanese senior managers in my direct reports so that they would be able to communicate with their corresponding teams more efficiently. The effect of this decision was nearly instantaneous, and it did not take more than just a few weeks before that change was clearly visible to anyone else reviewing the department.
I hired a coach who specialized in Japanese corporate culture to educate myself, ensuring that my direct reports were more effective and worked to ensure that I made less mistakes regarding Japanese corporate culture and communication, executive mba essay examples. I established a clear mission and a clear vision for the department and obtained a buy in from both upper management and team members, executive mba essay examples.
I presented a business strategy for the department and a long-term plan for the department to upper executive mba essay examples and through these, persuaded upper management to provide a budget that would enable the realization of that strategy. The business strategy that I created was based on a differentiation of the product line along two axes: functionality and quality. In order to implement the strategy, I established a task force to scan and identify the relevant Japanese companiese technology would add differentiating value to the company products and established relations with local universities that had insight into the latest trends and activities in the industry.
Once those companies were identified, I approached the companies systematically and started several collaboration projects with well-known Japanese MNCs and smaller Japanese companies that provided nice products and solutions, executive mba essay examples.
A large portion of the department budget came from the sale of the tools developed by the department. I initiated an outsourcing program to gradually move all the production to a manufacturing site in Malaysia where many other executive mba essay examples from Schlumberger were manufactured.
Since I took over, my department has successfully commercialized 7 tools. The increased quality of the tools has reduced rig-time by a factor of 2 on average among all segments, resulting in cost savings, and therefore increased profits, of ~10M USD in the services provided to our clients in and in the first two quarters of In addition to the already commercialized products, today we have seven executive mba essay examples ongoing projects in the department, which are targeted at several new segments.
My department and my team has regained the visibility and trust that they deserve from management and peers within the company, motivating them to work harder and increasing team morale. The team has grown since I joined by a factor of 3 and is still growing.
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, time: 12:21A Professionally Written Executive MBA Essay Example

3/7/ · MBA essays can be hard to write, but they are one of the most important parts of the MBA application blogger.com you need help getting started, you may want to view a few sample MBA essays for inspiration. The sample MBA essay shown below has been reprinted (with permission) from blogger.comdge did not write or edit this sample MBA essay world on their admission essays for various MBA programs (full-time, part-time, and executive), Ph.D. programs, and other Master's programs. Poonam is also a member of AIGAC (Association 22/12/ · For example, Wharton has a word question on this, whereas Tuck has a word question on this. MIT Sloan, on the other hand, does not ask you about your goals at blogger.com schools ask you to also talk about why you are interested in their specific program, as part of the same prompt. Some examples of such MBA essays include
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