Why should we save environment? 1. Global warming is a serious environmental issue. The continuous emission of carbon dioxide by thermal power generating units is the leading cause for the surge in greenhouse gases Essay on Save Environment! Find high quality essays on ‘Save Environment’ especially written for school, college and university students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the importance, reasons, challenges and remedial measures taken to save blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins 17/8/ · words on Save Environment Paragraph in English The environment is related to all living things that exist around us. It is important for us to have it, air, water, soil, humans, animals, and birds all come under it. The natural environment is a boon for the human race and for other creatures
Essay on Save Environment: 8 Selected Essays on Save Environment
Short paragraph on save environment Our natural environment and surrounding provides us with everything that we ever need. We get air, water, food, and everything else from the environment. Global warming is a serious environmental issue. The continuous emission of carbon dioxide by thermal power generating units is the leading cause for the surge in greenhouse gases. Natural resources are limited, short paragraph on save environment.
If the natural resources such as oil, coal, etc. are used, one day the world may fall short of these resources. High-level of environmental pollution is detrimental for human and animal health. Excessive use of pesticides and contamination of soil have negatively affected soil output. These fruits and vegetables are not very healthy for human health, short paragraph on save environment. The environment can be saved by making sure that we take care of the natural resources it contains.
We should all be involved in this task to ensure that our future generations have a safe environment. We should save drinking water. Water is a precious component of our environment. It should never be wasted. We should never pollute water. Efforts should be made in making significant reduction in both domestic and industrial short paragraph on save environment in water bodies.
As far as practicable, the waste products should be recycled to make new items. The domestic and industrial garbage should be segregated as recyclable and non-recyclable before being dumped. There should be a zero tolerance policy towards deforestation. Each one of us can contribute towards saving the environment by planting just one tree every-month. We can make donations to NGOs that are engaged in planting trees, or in any-way working towards saving the environment.
Safer environmental friendly car and vehicles should be used. For short distances, people should be encouraged to use bicycle in place of motor based vehicles, short paragraph on save environment. The use of environment unfriendly materials such as plastic should be discouraged. A lot of environmental problems would disappear if we stop using petroleum, coal and natural gas as raw-materials for power generation.
The focus should entirely short paragraph on save environment on renewable sources of energy. The use of renewable sources of energy example solar energy would help saving the environment from global warming. The environment is important as it gives us a lot of natural resources which help us to live better lives. It is hence important to ensure that we save the environment. Conserving energy is one of the ways to save the environment.
This is to ensure that few environmental components are used to produce energy. We can also save the environment by not cutting down trees. This will ensure there is no deforestation which may ruin our surroundings.
The environment can be saved by saving water. Water is a very important natural resource that if misused, it would result into adverse effects. We can save the environment by planting more trees. This will help to improve the size of natural habitat for animals and help in attracting more rain. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Home Short paragraph on save environment History Important India Categories TOU Contact Us.
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How to Take Care of the Environment - 10 Ways to Take Care of the Environment
, time: 3:41Long and Short Essay on Save Environment in English for Children and Students

Why should we save environment? 1. Global warming is a serious environmental issue. The continuous emission of carbon dioxide by thermal power generating units is the leading cause for the surge in greenhouse gases 27/6/ · In short, the environment provides us everything and it is the base of lives on earth. Saving environment is a practice that we can include in our regular live for maintaining the quality of life here. Due to the scarcity of natural resources, various environment activists appeal to save these blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Essay on Save Environment! Find high quality essays on ‘Save Environment’ especially written for school, college and university students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the importance, reasons, challenges and remedial measures taken to save blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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